Outright Purchase
At Kingsgate Homes we are always looking for land with or without planning consent and property with development potential, we act fast and can make quick decisions. If you’re looking to sell or feel your land may have potential that you would like to discuss, please contact us, we’re happy to give free guidance wherever we can.
Partnership Agreements
If you’re happy to wait longer for the funds but then receive a percentage of the increased value when the development is completed and sold then this may be of interest to maximise your return with no or very little outlay.
Joint Venture Investments
Kingsgate Homes offer project specific joint venture investment opportunities, these give investors the opportunity to invest a fixed sum in return for a share in a specific development, each investor will then receive a percentage of the proceeds after the sale of the development.
Each project and the return is different, as with all investments the returns cannot be guaranteed, but unlike many investments Kingsgate homes will always invest a minimum of 20% of the required funds so you can rest assured that we will be working to the same high standard to achieve the maximum return for all parties.
If you’re interested in any of the above and would like more information please contact us for further details.